[.lit] books are read
Microsoft Reader.
Wizard's First Rule [1994]
Stone of Tears [1995]
Blood of the Fold [1996]
Temple of the Winds [1997]
Debt Of Bones [1998]
Soul of the Fire [1999]
Faith of the Fallen [2000]
The Pillars of Creation [2002]
Naked Empire [2003]
Chainfire [2005]
Phantom [2006]
Confessor [2007]
There was a TV series made for these books, I don't know how much Terry Goodkind had to do with its creation but it was the most GODAWFUL piece of shit I'd ever seen in my life, PLEASE don't ever watch "Legend of the Seeker"... lol ^.-
Not only did the main character look like Ashton Kutcher, every single detail of backstory and plot was completely changed... jesus, it was really terrible! xD
Philip Pullman
His Dark Materials
The Golden Compass [1995]
The Subtle Knife [1997]
The Amber Spyglass [2000]
J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter
The Philosopher's Stone [1997]
The Chamber of Secrets [1998]
The Prisoner of Azkaban [1999]
The Goblet of Fire [2000]
The Order of the Phoenix [2003]
The Half-Blood Prince [2005]
The Deathly Hallows [2007]
Margaret Weis
[.lit] books are read
Microsoft Reader.
Mistress Of Dragons [2003]
The Dragon's Son [2004]
Master Of Dragons [2003]
Richard A. Knaak
The Minotaur Wars
I can't seem to find digital versions of these, unfortunately... but they're good, if you like to read actual paper books, like I do ^.-
[send me a link if you find them]
Night of Blood [2003]
Tides of Blood [2004]
Empire of Blood [2003]